About Me

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Welcome! I’m Meghan. This site was formerly known as Soulshine Traveler and was focused primarily on my international travels, volunteerism, and work in microfinance (name inspired by the Allman Brothers’ song).

My online home-base is now called Altrunomics.  From now on I’ll be discussing my interest in sustainability, impact investing, writing, travel, feminism, finance, and more.

Soulshine Traveler came about when I decided to leave finance for a while, see some of the world beyond the United States, and pursue more purposeful work. I worked as a volunteer in Lima, Peru; Yaroslavl, Russia; Cartagena, Colombia. For a little over a year, I worked for a microfinance organization in Tbilisi, Georgia.

I currently live in Washington, DC and work in sustainable investing in commercial real estate investment.  I’m relocating to Paris, France very soon.

Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem, Israel



  1. Rob

    Happy New Year! Love this blog! We have been to some of the same places and some you have been to that I have not. I am interested in your perspective and your pictures are fantastic!

  2. Hi Meghan, love your story! I actually have a few questions regarding travel and I think you’re the perfect person to ask! I’m a recent college grad trying to plan my next step, either going abroad or getting a job for a few years then going abroad. My concerns with going abroad immediately are two fold, one I don’t have a lot of money saved up, and two the idea of landing a job back in the US after being abroad seems difficult and could be easier after having a few years of work experience prior to my departure. In your experience, was finding a job upon returning easier because you’d already worked in the US and got your foot in the door?

    Also, I’m very interested in going to Cartagena. Can you recommend any companies, websites, or resources that may be useful?

  3. Pingback: Soulshine Traveler Review | Oh the Places I Go

  4. As someone that has just traveled through Europe for over a month, I must say that I love your site. Your story is inspiring and it reinforces the importance of travel and self discovery. Excited to see where life brings you next!

  5. getin2china

    Hello Meghan,

    I have found your article on GoOveseas and I was wonder if you would like to write articles for our upcoming website about Life – Study – Work & Travel Abroad. Of course we will pay for every article.

    Will you be interested? Please feel free to contact me at: yuri@gi2c.org


    Yuri K.

    • Thank you! It’s been a long journey to get to microfinance, and by far the most fascinating work I’ve ever done. It’s an interesting time for the industry as well, as more metrics and technology are constantly being introduced. It’s such a deep and rich field of study, which too often gets wrapped up in simple packaging.

  6. Good for you! I would also like to one day give my corporate job a break and travel : ) my new blog is my first step. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts

  7. Hi Meghan,
    You are an inspiration! I can heartily relate to your journey. Last year I resigned from my job at an investment back and went travelling indefinitely. Almost a year later, I found my passion in experiential travel writing, in little ways and bigger ways, I want to make the world a better place.
    Thanks for sharing your amazing stories and keep up the great work!
    Love and light,

    • Thank you for the kind words, Jacinta. I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying your own journey (literally and figuratively). Traveling and living an unorthodox life is not without its challenges, but I’m sure we both agree it’s worth a shot. 🙂

  8. Fantastic, I love the way I managed to come across you hehehe and my name is Dean so when I seen your comment I was like…. How did that happen hehe I managed to escape for a full year but I only left with £70 and I was walking barefoot to begin – mission was to walk around the world but I didn’t quite manage thankfully! I made it to Turkey before getting escorted home safe and sound – I want to go to Israel or New york next. I done a blogger called crazytrekker, then a wordpress called dream pilgrim and the latest idea was souls shiner and I guess that is why I was attracted to your page. Currently setting up an organisation here http://theuniversalcollaboration.com/ Really needing some help getting it boosted into the mainstream though, I am only 24 so I still have time yet. Keep on shining

  9. Hi Meghan! How did you like volunteering for Cross Cultural Solutions? I have been looking into for a couple years now. I am just trying to see if I can somehow fund raise for the expenses of my trip, etc. I love your blog! I just started mine =) Feel free to follow it!



  10. Meghan, I just started reading your blog and love it. I recently left my job as a corporate attorney and moved to Germany for a one-year sabbatical. It’s amazing how much you learn about yourself when you’re not in a corporate office 12+ hours a day. I think your volunteer service and work in microfinance is commendable and would love to find a way to volunteer here in Germany. Thank you for the inspiration! Best, Colleen

    • Colleen, what an exciting year you’ve embarked on! I agree with you: taking some time off from office work really does reveal new aspects of one’s personality, limitations, abilities. I’ve seen the best and worst sides of myself in the past two and a half years, and it’s been worth it. Best of luck in Germany. I’ll be following along on your blog!

  11. Hi. I’m so thrilled to have found you and your inspiring blog. New to the blogging world, I have so much to learn, but am convinced even more so now after having read your “About Me” page, that I am on the right track. I recently read that ” Life starts, where fear ends”, this makes me think of you, such a career change. Go well and safe travels. Julia. aka lostandfoundtraveller

  12. I am so glad I stumbled across your blog! I am also that person who can be found drooling over photos on lonely planet for hours. I’m so looking forward to following your continued adventures!

  13. Hi Meghan! I’m new to wordpress and a fellow travel enthusiast. Let me be the next of a long list of commenters to commend you for your courage to follow your heart! Living abroad changes you and inspires you to see more of this great big world. I hope your travels and experiences in 2014 continue to inspire you to write and reflect. 🙂

  14. You are motivation for me. I will be graduating with a Finance degree here soon and it’s scary to think about starting out. However, I see many of my same passions in you. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to “have it all” too!

  15. Love your blog! Inspiring story and great pictures:) Me and my husband (and our dog) also left the corporate world to stay a year traveling and skiing in Italy:) Merry X-mas! Vivie

  16. WordPress suggested that I may like your blog since it’s followed by some blogs I follow. It was definitely correct! Your blog/story is amazing!! I am envious of your freedom to have done the traveling you did for that year 🙂

  17. connie.n.w.

    wow, amazing website ~ will happily follow. you have many comments, so not sure you’ll get to this one, but wanted to give you a shout-out and say i enjoy your beautiful background photo and this “about” page. wondering and inspiring life. keep going and best wishes to you.

  18. ‘Slavophile’. Had not heard of the term though it is pretty self explanatory: An admirer of Slavic peoples and their culture. While I was born and live Downunder, my Father is a Slav from further east of your recent travels — Croatia to be exact. I am going to have read through your website to see why a girl with an anglo name became entranced with the slavic culture.

  19. Your site is truly inspirational! Thank you for such wonderful posts.

    I left the UK in January this year, in search of adventure and travel. So far I have traveled round SE Asia and I’m currently working as an English teacher in Vietnam. My next adventure is taking me to China and then on to Australia. Your story is so engaging and really convinves me that I’ve done the right thing leaving it all behind…for now anyway!

    Thank you!


    Please follow my blog if you have a chance!

  20. wadinly

    Meghan this is amazing blog! and it inspires most of the readers who are looking for joy and entertainment. I am Shaker Wadinly, and I have a blog “Shakertainment” specializes in E-entertaining news. You are welcomed to visit my blog but you probably wouldn’t be able to read as its Arabic! You might need to use Google Translate. However, your blog has entertained me and looking forward to transport your experience and images you have captured to use on my blog. Please let me know.

  21. May

    Inspirational! While I didn’t exactly enter the corporate world right out of college, I spent 10 years pursuing the Real Estate Industry (from sales to an appraiser trainee), and I’m almost over it. I think it’s great that you opened a door to travel through volunteerism. What resources did you use to find volunteer opportunities?

    San Diego, CA

  22. Your story is engaging, your posts lovely and your blog theme( the style) also refreshing and new. I will wade through more of your posts soon enough but for now I just wanted to let you know, Great Work!

  23. Hi. I like your blog. Very interesting. I too am about to embark on a round the world trip and producing my own blog. Looks like I will be visiting lots of places you have been too as well. Happy continued travels 🙂

  24. Hi Meghan! My name is Meagan, and I’m a college student studying economics and Russian. (also an avid runner, writer, baker, Deadhead, slavophile/francophone, and aiming to work in the field of international development… is this awkward yet?) I’ve been living and working in Moscow this summer, and I originally stumbled on your blog when I was looking up info on Yaroslavl– I’ll be heading there in a few weeks to study abroad for a semester. I have enjoyed following your travels since. You run a lovely blog!

    If you have few spare minutes, I would love to get in touch– first, if you have any favorite spots that you might like to pass on in Yaroslavl! (Running routes, cafes, little corners, whatever.) And second, I’d love to hear more about your experience with the microfinance organization in Georgia. As someone who is very interested in this field (and also, coincidentally, very interested in the Caucasus), I’m very curious about your transition from the American banking sector to microfinance, and what skills you have found to be most useful in doing this type of work. That’s pretty vague, but I have a couple more specific questions, too, if you’d be willing to get in touch over email– I think mine should be listed with this comment? I’ll check back here in case it’s not.

    Thanks for your time! I hope to hear from you, and in the meantime, best wishes for your further travels. 🙂

    • My god, one of us has been cloned! 😉

      I would be more than happy to talk to you about Yaroslavl, the Caucasus, microfinance, and everything and anything else! I’m going to jog my Yaroslavl memories for some good tips. I am actually heading to Paris in a few days but I will send you an email so we can plan some time to Skype or g-chat, or whatever you prefer.

      Looking forward to chatting, Meagan!

      • Oh I just saw this! Hope you had a wonderful time in Paris– the few pictures you put up are fantastic. I’m leaving for Yaro on Tuesday, and I would love to Skype if you have a chance before then! If not, email will work just as well. Shoot me an email at mneal@middlebury.edu and let’s see what we can do. Thanks and very much looking forward to chatting!

  25. kee2success

    Hello Meghan,
    I LOVE to travel. I’ve traveled to a few countries and I don’t have many pictures from those places. Looking at your pictures has inspired me to take pictures of the places I visit and share with others as you have so graciously done. Your work of volunteering is beautiful and the pictures are beautiful. I too have a bucket list of places to go and as stated above will begin sharing the places via pictures online. I like to volunteer and tour.

  26. Wow!!!! you are leaving my dream….. this is what I’ve always envisioned myself doing when I was younger….. before I got my 2 treasures (my kids)…. and I’m patiently enjoying them now… with the plan that as soon as they leave home for colleges, I will do my best to find my way back to this!!!!!
    I am happily envious of you!!!! 🙂
    tip my hat to you with all respect and admiration!

  27. Anil Kumar Upadhyaya

    Hai Meghan,
    I got your email reply,I am very much interested in Micro Finance industry and see this is right approach to upliftment of poor woman life in rural and urban areas also.If want to implement micro finance program towards India then I will be yours man in India.I am very much in demand for you,if want to launch micro finance projects towards India.I had also send some ideas for you in my first reply to you.I see there is good results for poor woman who get new life with this right approach to them via micro finance.Pls send me your India plans for micro finance if you are willing to do implement in India.I can work with your team in India in various states in India like in Rajasthan,Haryana,Uttarakhand,Orissa like that.Pls send me reply to my idea when you come back to this idea for India?
    with thanks
    Anil Kumar Upadhyaya
    freelance journalist
    email: au03976@gmail.com

  28. Anil Kumar Upadhyaya

    Hai Meghan,
    Many thanks for your nice reply to me,I will see more on Go overseas of your work,I am new contributor to Go overseas now .I am very much impressed by your idea of asking about microfinance industry.It is worthy for remote areas woman who are looking for upliftment of their life by doing in such a group where microfinance is implemented.I am willing to apply Microfinance in India you are going to launch such type of Microfinance in India for downtrodden woman who are living in remote areas like in Rajasthan,Orissa,Jharkhand,Bihar,Uttar Pradesh,Gujarat,Uttrakhand state where woman need now microfinance too much due to all things lost there due to heavy landslide and glacier melting of Himalayas.I am looking of your cooperation this regard.Because I am only writing some reports no have money with me to do towards microfinance in India for such females.You already know such type of idea very success in Bangladesh by one social activist to upliftment of poor woman there.I am also willing to do work in microfinance area with your cooperation in India in such states if you support me in this regard.You are finance expert can better do in this regard to implement microfinance in India in such need states and we can choose some villages in Rajasthan in first phase then can go further.I am very much optimistic cooperation with you.Because you are doing well in Georgia.This country is famous for oil and gas resources also. If you had connection with any oil and gas company then I can also work for them in India make liasion for them to make cooperation with Indian oil and gas companies.Please send me detail answer and I am very much looking for your cooperation for my offer to you.I hope we can regular basis can exchange our ideas and may also implement soon with your help in India.

    with thanks
    Yours faithfully
    Anil Kumar Upadhyaya
    freelance journalist
    email: au03976@gmail.com
    mobile: 91 9793546246
    You can also send your mobile no to me with country code also some time I can talk with you also.when you are free in time.

  29. It sounds as if you’ve lived quite a life so far! Microfinance is an interesting industry. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on how do you see microfinance as being a key to helping lift people out of poverty? What results do you see in your work?

    – Dylan

  30. Anil Kumar Upadhyaya

    Hai Meghan,
    Nice to see your blog,I am India based freelance writer also writing for Go Overseas from India as writing corps team under the leadership of Megan Lee.Nice to see your colourful photo of Russia and many places and your are lucky one who travels to many places.I had been to Thailand,Nepal and Sri Lanka only not to Europe only one time to Germany.I am willing to work with you from India if you had any travel project in your mind towards India because India is so much fill of tourism and travel stories but some time not good also for me because of too much corruption in political leaders,senior govt officials.I like Asian culture too much.You can support me also for my working dreams.Pls send me email to me: au03976@gmail.com

    with thanks
    Anil Kumar Upadhyaya
    freelance journalist
    email: au03976@gmail.com

  31. Your blog is a gem, because you are too!
    Whatever else may be the lofty purpose of life, the quick and easy one is travel for sure. Remain free-spirited and enjoy yourself. And if you’re roaming online, drop by at http://www.nirbhayasindia.com to read about a land of paradoxes that are now seeing an awakening that the rest of the world is still unable to sense. I am at http://www.nirbhayasindia.com Hope to see you and hope to see you gush out your comments as spontaneously as you write.

    • Hi there! Yes, I have definitely heard of the Kyrgyz Republic, and I’m currently living rather close. My company has a subsidiary there, and I’m hoping to visit one day. I’d love to get acquainted with that beautiful country and culture!

  32. Hi Meghan. Just wanted to say we love your page and the blogs you did on Russia. We moved to Moscow in the beginning of this year and loving every moment. Neither of us ever realised Moscow has so much to offer.

  33. Dear Meghan, I was in time to read ‘Struggling to be hopeful’. I just wanted to let you know that as a Christan, I do not agree with anyone who attacks, screams “Kill them! Tear them apart!” and throws rocks, chairs, and garbage cans, not even if these are incited to do so by priests. It does not mean that whoever speaks in the name of God or holds an earthly position that gives the impression that he or she follows God, does know God. The ones in the mob that you mentioned in your post do not know Him. I am posting this reply with the hope that you do not put everyone in the same ‘bag’ 🙂

  34. Dear Meghan,
    Your soul is shining through your blog. Somewhere our stories resonate. I took off from work sometime back and travelled around but never managed to blog. Have just started and am truly inspired by your blog.

  35. Hey! Even i’m studying economics. If i have a change of mind during the corporate life, i’l be sure to get in touch with you for cultural experiences. Great to see you’ve been up to so much! It’s inspiring 🙂

    • Thank you for the kind message, and yay economics! 😉 I hope you do find the opportunity to experience both the traditional corporate world, as well as non-profit or socially motivated business. It’s fascinating to compare the two and share ideas between those spheres.

  36. Hi Meghan,
    great to have found you – it´s always inspiring to read about someone who changed her/his life! We also took half a year off last year and traveled around the world. And we have to admit that a sabbatical is life changing in many ways… All the best, Susanne&Dirk

    • Thank you Susanne and Dirk, it’s so nice to hear that you two have also had similar life-changing experiences with a gap-year/sabbatical. Looking forward to checking out your site as well!

  37. We are one planet one people and after reading your blog I know you get it. Love your spirit!
    I love photography, and make my living leading tours, workshops, and creating portraits that evoke a response. That said my blog livingwithloveandpeace does not have any photographs. I wanted the words to create the emotional reponse. check it out if you find spare time, I hope it will inspire you the way your blog inspires others.

    WIth aloha


  38. You are an inspiration! After a lifetime of working, I am looking forward to experiencing real life. Making the decision to take the leap goes against everything I was raised to believe in, yet my heart and soul beg for release from the “shoulds” of life and look forward to the “I did its!” I love your bucket list for its breathe and depth. I would prefer to call it a Living Life List

    • Thank you for the very kind words, Retired Pilgrim! I love your adventurous spirit. There is a release from the “shoulds” whenever you find yourself doing something you’d do without pay, without a manager breathing down your neck, or without the heavy things in life requiring it. I’m back working in an office now, and life is once again full of Excel spreadsheets and analysis, but it’s for a cause I believe in with my whole heart, and I’d do it for free in an instant (just don’t tell my boss that). 😉 Looking forward to hearing more about your journey from the “shoulds” to the “I did its”!

    • That’s one of my dreams as well, Susanne! Russia is such an enormous and rich place. I spent two months there, only exploring the area between St. Petersburg and Moscow, and would love to devote more time to the eastern part of the country some day.

  39. Hello Meghan,

    I think that you’re blog is wonderful and it gives me a glimpse into a road that I very nearly went down myself. I applied for the Teach Georgia program but a job in the Czech Republic came along first, so here I am. But Georgia really does sound like a one off destination and maybe one day, I’ll find my way there.

    Anyway, this is why I have nominated you for a Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. If you would like to accept the award then please follow the link here:


  40. There are so many things I love about your blog! Your volunteer choices, the places you’ve been, the lovely background pic. Wish I could get out of college soon and do just that- volunteer all over the world. Funny how I learnt about Cross Cultural Solutions only 2 weeks ago! I’m interested in trying it later. Looking forward to reading your future posts! x

  41. Pingback: Living from a Suitcase « Global From Home

  42. Pingback: Day 1: Social Good Summit and Clinton Global Initiative 2012 | World Moms Blog

    • Yulia, thank you so much! (Or should I say spasibo? 🙂 Where are you from?) I really appreciate your support. Your writing/photography is lovely, I can’t wait to explore more of your blog!

      • Hi Meghan! I’m Russian (from Estonia), so yes, spasibo would be correct 🙂 Thank you for your kind words, you really are an inspiration (especially given the fact that I am in that corporate world now) 😀

        • I suspected so from your name! I absolutely loved the time I spent in Russia, and was initially planning to visit Estonia, although it didn’t end up working out. I studied Russian language in college because I’ve always been so fascinated by the literature, the culture, the history, everything. And the corporate world isn’t so bad, it allows us to make a living and to do the things we are passionate about, like travel!

  43. Such a cool blog, and a great outlook on life. Very important to leave the corporate world and see the wonders of our planet from time to time. Great photos. Thanks so much for sharing.

  44. Just Some Markers

    Hi Meghan,
    I just stumbled about your blog… great photos and information regarding the places you´ve visited. Thanks for sharing!

    • I’m really glad you like it! I checked out your blog as well, and I must say that is the first blog I’ve seen devoted to markers and graffiti. I don’t know a whole lot about technique, I am a BIG graffiti fan (when done well). Thanks for stopping by!

  45. Hello! I have enjoyed reading through your blog, and I wanted to let you know that I am nominating you for a Versatile Blogger Award! I love traveling, and although I am currently living and teaching in South Korea, it is wonderful to read about other countries! Great work!

  46. That’s so nice! I wanted to be a volunteer for India…but unfortunately, the program that i found online was ended….maybe some other time….glat to meet u here, though:)

  47. Really beautiful blog you have here- makes me want to go to Moscow, right now! I love Russian literature and history, though I unfortunately don’t know more than a faint “dasveedanya” of the language.

  48. Can’t beleive I’m only just finding this blog now. Your writing and pictures are so beautiful and I totally share your passion for adventure, travel, and volunteering. I’m heading back to Peru this summer and reading your blog posts about your time there made me so excited. Keep posting!

    • Thank you so much! Sounds like we have a lot in common. I am so jealous to hear you’re going (back) to Peru. It’s one of my absolute favorite places on earth. Thanks for reading!

    • I think that is the best compliment I could hope to receive! And be careful, it’s a dangerous way to pass the time. I started off reading the blog Legal Nomads every free minute at work and I ended up quitting my job to travel full time! 😉

  49. there’s only one word i could say, envious.. thanks for sharing wonderful experiences in your travel as well as beautiful photographs taken along the way.. lovely lovely blog and really worth following.

  50. Danielle Ferretti

    I, too, am taking an extended break from finance and the corporate world to travel. Good to know I’m not alone! Thanks for sharing.

    • That is great to hear Danielle! I know for me at least, it was a nerve-wracking decision at first. But now I firmly believe it was the best decision I ever made. I’ve learned more this year than I could have in two years of graduate school! Best of luck to you in your travels.

  51. Congratulations! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award ☺

    When you receive the award, you are supposed to do the following:

    1. Choose at least 10-15 blogs you like / follow
    2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
    3. Post the award on your blog.
    4. List the bloggers you gave the award to with links to their sites.
    5. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know they’ve received the award.
    6. Share 7 random facts about yourself.



  52. Your blog is beautiful! The photos really do say a thousand words! You must go to Kazakhstan, if you haven’t already been ( I was born there). I love travel more than anything and found your recent trip to Russia so exciting! Keep the amazing pics coming! x

  53. Hi Meghan, I chanced upon your blog and cannot help but feel envious because what you’re doing is exactly what I want to do. 🙂 How do you do it? Quit your job and support yourself by volunteering?

    • I am very lucky to be able to have done all of this! I worked for three years after graduating from college and saved as much money as I could. I was considering buying a house or something equally stupid for a 24 year old, but I decided my money would be better spent on making memories. Since then, I’ve just tried to budget carefully. Ultimately I’ll have to get another job again, but I want to try to do something more related to my passions this time around! But there are a lot of ways you can find jobs on the road (teaching English, tutoring, working in hostels, etc). Best of luck to you!

  54. tseefc

    Congratulations for making it to freshly pressed. 🙂 I’m taking a break from the corporate world too: 3 months. I’m excited and seeing your blog makes me even more excited! new city, new adventure. Continue sharing your stories. Cheers from Manila!

  55. Sounds like a lot of cobwebs and preconceptions are being blown away! Congratulations and safe landings:)
    PS Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed. It’s richly deserved – your photos of Moscow are colourful and interesting, and your impressions of a city so long cast as the capital of ‘other side’ refreshing, if a little summer-centric:)

  56. Im stealing this quote for my blog post . thanks !

    “Most people never get there. They’re afraid or unwilling to demand enough of themselves and take the easy road, the path of least resistance. But struggling and suffering, as I now saw it, were the essence of a life worth living. If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not constantly demanding more from yourself—expanding and learning as you go—you’re choosing a numb existence. You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.”
    – Dean Karnazis, Endurance Athlete

  57. Наша вторая зимовка в Таиланде тоже началась с октября 2011 года и продолжается по сей день!
    Заходите к нам на блог “зима в Таиланде” thaiwinter.com

  58. Hi Megan..,
    Here I’m again, come from Jakarta – Indonesia … (other side of globe ha ha ) to pick up another amazing story from Your adventure 🙂

    I’ve just ask a question to Uncle Google about Lima – Peru, and He give me so many Interesting fact about Lima – Peru 🙂
    One of them is about Inca Empire with Machu Picchu as the capital city.. so no wonder if you enjoy to spend time to do your great activity there.
    Uncle Google was also told me that Peru has it all. A country of astounding natural diversity. Dusty deserts to the cool sapphire-blue waters of Lake Titicaca. Spectacula27vsaphu i tog.wsoiviteler mazing Amazon rain foresttelerthe worlds highest tropog.wsmountains and an endless desert coastlineeler diverse and welcoming population, an evensmore diverse wildlife, and of course the continents best food awaits the adventurous vioivor… wow, Peru must be anr mazing place right ?

    BTW, How7vse everything running there ?

    Happy Adventuring and keep sharing …

  59. Hi Meghan.

    I don’t know you, but a few days ago I discovered your blog (from France). And since then, I have only one thing i mind : traveling… 🙂
    The crazy idea of looking for a job in Lima, Peru (a recent post of yours) went through my mind… and it’s still there…
    Shame on you, it’s your fault… 🙂

    • Sorry to inconvenience you with wanderlust! I’ve been suffering from it for years now, but I’ve stumbled on the only true solution: do it. 🙂

      I love the fact that you are now looking into Lima as a possible new home. It’s a wonderful place, I can’t wait to go back. Thank you for reading and commenting!

    • Hi trialsinfood, sorry for the extremely delayed response! I volunteered with an organization called Cross Cultural Solutions. I found the organization to be very professional, well organized, and very easy to work with before, during, and after my placement. I encourage you to check out their website and all of the other sites they offer around the world:

  60. Yours is one of the best travel blogs…mine is the passion to travel around the globe, but due to current circumstances I cannot. May be I travel it only after retirement. 🙂 Good luck with your travels.

    • Azhar, your comment makes me smile and blush. Thank you. I know that long-term travel is a goal of many people but a difficult one to achieve, for many reasons. I feel very blessed to be able to pursue these dreams right now, and I hope that you can too some day!

  61. I’m so glad I found your blog! I love traveling and volunteering as well and am really looking forward to following your adventures. Good luck with your new placement!

  62. annathrax

    just stumbled across this blog and absolutely loving it! have spent all morning here at work reading it! haha. i absolutely love peru – i have to, i married a peruvian! all your stories and viewpoints are so true, you’ve noticed things that i noticed too (especially about lima!) happy travels to you from australia 🙂

    • Oh Anna, this comment made me smile. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. I don’t blame you for marrying a Peruvian. I’m currently looking for a way to maintain a life-long bond with this country (although a tatoo is seeming like a more feasible option than a husband at the moment). Many thanks and best wishes, my Aussie friend.

  63. I’ve heard about Cross-Cultural solutions! I even asked myself if that was the organization you were volunteering with when I learned of the locations you were going to. I’ve been thinking about volunteering with them for awhile–let me know how you like your experience!

    • Amelie, I am a BIG fan of CCS. Although every program differs a bit, I found the Lima program to be a rare balance of structure and freedom. There are some rules and some group activities, but you are given an enormous amount of personal space to form your own opinions about Lima and the work you do there. That was very important to me as a volunteer.

      Thank you so much for commenting! Stay tuned for more CCS volunteer work in the future.

  64. Hi,Meghan! I was so surprised today when I saw you followed my blog. Thank you so much. When I first came to your blog, I found out that you were also a person in economics field and you loved volunteering. That made me feel like I have to follow you up! Because I am also pursuing my economics degree now and I love doing all kinds of volunteering works. I am looking forward to your new post. lol 🙂

    • Elsie, this makes me so happy! It’s great to find a fellow economics grad who is interested in volunteer work. I enjoy your blog very much and I am so happy you have found some entertainment in mine. Cheers!

  65. Christina Alexy

    Hi Meghan! Your writings are excellent! Makes me feel like I am almost there with you! Have wonderful adventures and can’t wait to read the next post!!!

  66. Elene

    What an adventure, Megan. Hope you are having fun with the kiddies. Take care of yourself and keep up with the great commentary!

  67. hey Meghan, linked to you from Roxanne’s blog…happy to see you are going on your own round-the-world adventure! If you ever want to visit Central Asia, let me know…glad you will be using the Russian in Yaroslavl! 🙂 Will add you to my reader, best of luck!

    • Becca, thank you so much for stopping by and reading! I am so thrilled to finally put my Russian to use. I would love to visit Central Asia, although I haven’t planned that far ahead. I’ll be sure to let you know if I do. Thanks! 🙂

  68. Donna Rose

    love this, Meg!! Your perspective, energy and sense of wonder and enjoyment are truly inspirational and contagious!!! Can’t wait to enjoy your next entries!!!

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